I've got a spare 360 and a nice new monitor, I think I'll make something nice out of it.
It's a jasper elite 360, with a nice 120 gig hdd and all. Nifty!
1360x768 19" Calypso monitor. It's really vibrant and nice
It's going to just be a rectangular prism, nothing fancy. Going to be painted white or black. It'll have all the normal ports, built in wifi and all that jazz.
I took the faceplate off my 360. I saw a warranty sticker. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
It's a jasper elite 360, with a nice 120 gig hdd and all. Nifty!
1360x768 19" Calypso monitor. It's really vibrant and nice
It's going to just be a rectangular prism, nothing fancy. Going to be painted white or black. It'll have all the normal ports, built in wifi and all that jazz.
I took the faceplate off my 360. I saw a warranty sticker. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU