:tophat: hey everyone long time,
i was wondering if anyone could help me with some info on how to either make or buy a gamepad that can plug into a nes snes and genesis. i thought finding one would be pretty easy but apparently i was wrong.
any suggestions?
lol *Can'tSayThisOnTV* the hipsters :D yes it is an "art" school (mostly for music) and I am going into film BUT i do more of this -
and none of this -
YAY! HOUSTON! and humidity....... :cry4:
nah but right now I live in Katy, TX but in a few days I go back to college in Denton, TX where the weather is a little more bearable
So while going through some old crap I found myself this "digital photo album"
I was wondering if anyone has ever messed around with these and been able to input some kind of video into them, I know the Dang thing is too small to have any practical use but I thought I might ask anyway.
:tophat: for me it has to LoZ OOT, because it has been out for 12 years and I STILL play it like it is new! Also I would say MegaMan Legends is almost perfect but that is really more my fan boy speaking lol
:tophat: Hey MR, been a while but recently I took apart this atari plug-n-play I had laying around to find out the the board is holy crap small and figured "hey! why dont I make a portable out of this!?" my only problem is I dont want to waste a ps one screen on it so I went some thrift stores...
hmmm...i bet if i got the right paint and maybe even some EL wire that might be possible...or a bunch of those tiny leds that palmer used in his DS mod...sounds fun :twisted: