Zelda Special Edition 3DS XL


Well-Known Member
So I've had a few DS's in the past, but they've never held my interest. Nintendo just announced the special edition gold triforce etched 3DS XL for the release of the sequel of the second best (imo) Zelda game ever losing only to....no you didn't guess it cause it's not Ocarina of Time - Link's Awakening (again, imo). Anyways there a a few other titles I might be interested in picking up, but I'm still on the fence as to whether a 3DS is really for me. I'm a fan of SNES and Gameboy, maybe a bit of GameCube but that's about it on the Nintendo side of things. I'm just wondering if I might end up regretting dropping $220 on something that may just end up on my Zelda shelf of my display case. Thoughts on this? If you haven't seen this 3ds you better go check it out.
We all have consoles sitting on the shelf that never get used. Such is the life of a lazy console modder. You will fit in. No Regrets Needed.