Xbox One


Well-Known Member
Looks like flax.

It's pretty much just an entertainment center now, which is alright, I guess. I just never understood the need for it. A computer can do all of this flax, though I understand why one might not want to shell out the extra cash to build a gaming PC. Moreover, the only real reason to buy one console over another is for exclusive titles, and Microsoft usually doesn't bring much to the table in that regard. Also, I don't like the idea of constant Kinect usage, it's sort of frightening.


Also, it looks like a VCR.
Microsoft confirmed that there are mandatory game installations, and that installing a game on a second Live account will require a fee. Goodbye, pre-owned games...

EDIT: I may have construed this incorrectly. The first install is free, but all installations after that will cost some fee, which would avoid having people just pass games around, installing them on multiple consoles. However, Microsoft was asked if games can be played without an installation, in case somebody is, say, borrowing a game. They did not have an answer.

EDIT2: Sony stocks are going through the roof.
Now it will become even harder to google for the first xbox :lol:
I think the design look nice, a little big maybe. No preowned games sucks though...
Xbox One is kind of a ridiculous name, but no where near as bad as "xbox 720" would have been. Was personally hoping for NeX(t)box, not that a console name early matters, of course.
no pre-owned games is a deal breaker for me tbh, nothing about this console seems to be even focused towards gamers. They just keep pushing skype and TV services. I already have SkyTV, that has plenty of TV to offer.

With this, the PS4 and the Wii U being nowhere near as next-gen as it seems, Dang this generation is shaping up to be poor.
The hardware itself and some of the software features are cool, but if the disc installs are mandatory, then unless the fee is really low as well as it not affecting the original owner's install, then it's a deal breaker. Wouldn't be surprised if this was their ultimate tool against future disc drive mods and optical drive emulators, which have been really hard to combat the current generation. This is also of some concern, although I imagine if they're telling the truth it would only effect exclusives, but they could be pulling an EA and just straight up be lying about the computations being done by the cloud. Either way, we'll need to wait for them to clear this and the game install thing up closer to E3, because now is the time for them to make or break this console depending on their choice.

More interesting is their choice to go with X86 as well, which has several implications. For one, it's great for PC gamers, because console ports will stop sucking and possibly cease to exist at all as I predict the PC will be the lead platform for all development. Secondly, since there will be even more multi-platform titles than there are now, Sony and Microsoft are going to need some Dang good exclusives to make it worth even buying a console at all over a PC or Steambox. Another problem is that this basically means the Wii U is flax out of luck in terms of ports and third party support, simply because it's the only one left on PowerPC. If the Xbox One had been PowerPC, the Wii U would have at least had a chance at getting a lot more ports, but as of right now things are not looking good for them, regardless of how much potential it has or not. Nintendo can either choose to support the Wii U solely with first party games or recall and re-release a new console ala Virtual Boy (unlikely). I really don't see many other options for them.

tl;dr: All 3 major consoles are looking to disappoint as of right now, get a PC or Steambox instead. And if you care about Nintendo exclusives possibly get a Wii U after the price drops a ton depending on whether it tanks or not.
I imagine the Wii U price will drop a decent amount by the holiday season, since I believe the XOne and the PS4 are both due later this year. Nintendo exclusives are usually what hold up their consoles anyway, so I'm not concerned at all in that regard.

And definitely. The Wii U was pretty bad, but this is worse.
I doubt the Wii U will be dropping in price. They're already losing money on the sale of this console, which is a first for them. Once the games start picking up, the consoles will start moving.
grossaffe said:
terrible name

1 - Wait until holiday season rolls around and all the little kiddies are begging for the new Xbox

2 - Get on eBay and put all of your original XBOXen up for sale, be sure to include the words "Xbox" and "One"

3 - Parents search high and low for the Xbox One, willing to pay any price to shut their kids up

4 - eBay searches for Xbox One will be in the tens of thousands, rapidly being sold left and right for ungodly prices

5 - Parents of said children come across your stashes of original XBOXen while searching for Xbox Ones

6 - They gladly pay $500 a piece for the little rectangular black box having no idea what it is

7 - ??????????????????????

8 - Profit.
Except ebay/paypal tend to side with buyers for everything, no matter how dumb they are.
Yeah, it's a no sale for me. Not gonna get a system that requires an internet connection, fees you for used games, and makes you pay $5 on top of your $8 to watch Netflix.

I feel like this is one of those Roku boxes with a 360 built in, that 360 being unable to play 360 games.

WatsuG said:
Now it will become even harder to google for the first xbox :lol:

Oh my god this.