wtb/wttf 3.5" screens suitable for Sega products


Active Member
I'm 0 for enough-to-stop-blindly-buying-screens-from-ebay on 3.5" screens. If anyone has some extras on hand, I'm willing to buy them provided you show me a picture of it running on a Nomad or Sega Genesis 2. I have a ton for trade that work on basically everything else I throw at it (except for what I need them for, naturally) and if you want to trade, and I can send a picture of it working on whatever system you plan on using it for. I need about 10 for ~$27 each or so, probably not enough to yank them out of existing portables or make $$$ off my bad luck through being a middleman on eBay but any help I would appreciate.

For reference, this is the problem I'm having with the screens:

Bump, upped my offer price a bit. I'd also offer a reward for anybody to figure out how to "fix" these but I'm sure it's just flaxty components/build quality and isn't very feasible.
Re: Re: wtb/wttf 3.5" screens suitable for Sega products

L10N37 said:
And I don't know how it works on megadrives but I know you can mod them for composite video out, and that's what my screen looked like on my Gamecube until I put a resistor between composite video out to earth.

Do you have any pictures of what you did your screen? I tried with a potentimetor and all it did was brighten and dim the screen, I might be misinterpreting what you mean though.