[Worklog] [Finished] GameCube portable



This is my GcP and my first portable, i have been working on it for almost 2 years now.and my second mobo, i broke the other one trying to rewire the DD.
I just need to put in a colling fan sand, paint and add batterys.
The screen over heats after 15 min, i hope after i add the fan that problem will be fixed, any sugestions or ideas? Any material that i can put under the mobo so the screen wont absorbe the heat from the mobo?

Material list:
screen - $22
Hot glue x2 - $2
gamecube x2 - $8
wood - free(scrap)
sand paper x2 - $8
wood filler - $4.50
painter tape - $3.50
paint - free(aces hardware had a sale)
work - time
Re: [Worklog] WIP GameCube portable

If you do not have a fan at all its Probably your gamecube overheating. Once you put a fan in and get good air flow it should be fine.
Re: [Worklog] [Finished] WIP GameCube portable


Added a cooling fan, have triggers fully working, and add a spacer between screen and Mobo, it was still over heating. Gonna test now, ill update after one hour or if it over heats. Then for the batterys i think im going to use a bunch of AA batterys because i get them free.I might shellout for rechargable battery packs down the road when i get some money.
I don't have speakers yet, the moniter dosent have one built in so ill have to find or build an amp so you can hear speakers, any suggestions?
Edit: I tested it for 2 hours with no screen or gc overheating but the screen gets kinda hot so i'll have to do further testing.

Added a cd drive cover. Filled holes with wood putty.
finished, what does everyone think?
I think it looks great for a first time. Always nice seeing gc's with they original disk.
BlueLemming said:
I like it! I think I'm using the exact same screen for my portable. Was your screen located above a heatsink?
No but it's located on the opposite side of the board but about the same spot. Thanks for your comments! I'm starting a ps1 portable! then a snes!! i got them both. I was also thinking about doing a atari 7800 but those mobos are HUGE. I almost did a huge xbox 360 hand held but i needed money so i had to sell the xbox 360 D: then again i need a few portables under my belt before i atempt somthing like that.