Wiring Gamecube LEDs?

Well the size could always be smaller and the screen could always be thinner, but I think my choice in a screen is about as good as it gets. Not to mention it was reasonably cheap and from a trusted site like eBay. Hopefully my gamecube portable goes well. Right now I'm just waiting for it to arrive. Darn Chinese postal service. :wtf: Wish me luck on my project. It is my first portable, ya know.
Hey guys, so I have two projects going right now. One is my portable Gamecube which I will work on more when I get the right parts, and the other is my original Gamecube which I will be slightly modifying to look cooler. I'm changing the color of the Gamecube's LED, wiring the LEDs from the installed Xeno GC to the outside, giving it a transparent window, and adding LED's to the interior of the disc drive area. Anyways, my question is about the LEDs I'm adding to the disc drive area. I have the LED's physically installed, but where do I wire them? Is there a recommended spot on the Gamecube that can supply about 3 volts for the LEDs?

By the way, here's a picture. It's looking pretty cool!
I dig this mod a lot, and I have been moving from painting consoles into led mods, added fans, etc. for cosmetics recently. I have been trying to get 4 controller port leds installed in my gamecube and I have blows 2 power bricks and a fair amount of leds in the process. I finally got fed up with guessing and I did the math for my full circuit and when I added the resistors and wired everything in, only 2 leds received power and it wasn't enough to make them very bright. I am running power off of the power supply for the fan. Since this thread has been up for a while, do you have any lessons learned from experience that could help me finish this project without wasting any more resources?