Wiikey compatibility issues?


Frequent Poster
Hey everyone. I'm curious if anyone has discovered compatibility issues with the Wiikey Fusion, beyond that of Luigi's Mansion.

Thus far, I have NOT been able to get Resident Evil 0 to work on the Wiikey Fusion. Shockslayer tried it and told me he could not either. Swiss apparently was unable to run the game as well.

One of my customers loves resident evil games, so naturally I am concerned about this issue, and would like to get it resolved before I ship out his Envision.

I have been able to get Resident Evil 4 and the remake of Resident Evil 1 to work. But Resident Evil 0, 2, and Code Veronica X do not seem to work. The customer also likes Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.

Has anyone personally tried these games out on the Wiikey Fusion? I also can't seem to get the bootable ISO of swiss version .3 to work (I tried PAL and NTSC)....
http://www.gc-forever.com/forums/viewto ... f=26&t=416

Ashen said:
* Game boots fine - Playable
All games with issues will have a bold notation describing the issue

78. Resident Evil (Disc 1)* (SD disc swap trick working)
79. Resident Evil (Disc 2)* (SD disc swap trick working)
80. Resident Evil 0 (Disc 1)* (SD disc swap trick working)
81. Resident Evil 0 (Disc 2)* (SD disc swap trick working)
82. Resident Evil 2*
83. Resident Evil 3*
84. Resident Evil 4 (Disc 1)* (SD disc swap trick working)
85. Resident Evil 4 (Disc 2)* (SD disc swap trick working)
86. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (Disc 1)* (SD disc swap trick working)
87. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (Disc 2)* (SD disc swap trick working)
looks liks ashen answered before me...

swiss compatibility list the RE titles as working....its in yellow, but that was a long time ago so maybe its improved...
also ashen has posted that he previously tested RE2 working back in 2011
Okay great, can you please elaborate on what I'm doing wrong?

Is there something wrong with my wiikey fusion? Shockslayer could not get it working on his with swiss running.

So how can I make these games playable?

Also, I have tried "swiss.iso", the PAL and NTSC version and both give me a "the disc could not be read" message DURING the gamecube startup bios. But I'm not sure how to use that ISO, maybe I'm missing a file or something. I'm still looking for instructions on the GC-forever website....

Yet my wiikey fusion plays smash bros, RE4, Zelda games, and a few others just fine....

UPDATE: OKAY THIS IS IMPORTANT - Swiss would NOT pop up on my 32GB card (which had 5 games already on it), BUT I managed to get swiss to load on my 2GB SD card with no games on it. Its stuck on the "init Wiikey Fusion" but at least it loaded. Not sure if that's been documented somewhere, but Swiss doesn't seem to like 32GB sd cards. I hope thats only for the flash sequence, because I'd like to use flash with a large card to have a lot of games to pick from.....ugh...
I was not ready for that pic, Ashen. Why do you do these things?

I need to sew up the hole my raging erection put in my pants now.

*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Ashen.
Tchay said:
Not sure if that's been documented somewhere, but Swiss doesn't seem to like 32GB sd cards.

swiss has been tested with cards all the way up to 128GB...
swiss does not support WBFS format so after you select swiss from the WKF menu, after the GC reboots and the cube animation starts loading on screen, you needto remove your WBFS card and insert a FAT32 card before swiss starts up and is onscreen...

also, disc read error message can popup due to WKF region switch settings which might also be whats causing your RE issues...
some games were working fine for me and i thought the region switch was not needed until i tested a few more games after receiving some input from ashen...and sure enough, the region switch was causing the disc read error message...
I wasn't sure what you meant by region switch. There are two "region switch" settings inside of the wiikey fusion settings menu. Then there is also a region switch externally on the wiikey board itself. That's why I was asking.

Also, Resident Evil 0, 1, and 2 are all NTSC and they all give me a disc read error during the startup boot sequence. My wiikey fusion is set to NTSC.

I'll see if I can figure out how to flash Swiss using a FAT32 sd card.
ahhhh gotcha...
yea dont mess with the wiikey configuration menu for portables....leave em as default
on on on (ALL) off on

just change the region dip switch accordingly and try again....
Like I said, these games that are giving me problems are all NTSC and my wiikey fusion is already set to NTSC, so unless you are suggesting that I use PAL settings for 3 NTSC games, I need to try a new approach to this problem.
well the position of your switch was not known until now...and since one cause of disc read error is directly related to the switch position, i thought i would offer that as something to check to solve or eliminate that possibility...

did you MD5sum the isos?
confirm they work on other systems?
these should be done to get these possible causes out of the way because next step is to start looking for wiring issues...

for example:
remember i stated PIN 1,3,5 are not required for portables as they are specifically related to GC DVD drive audio streaming data....
then Loctronics posted in the autoboot thread that he discovered the WKF can work with some more of those wires not connected (7 and 11 i think) ....but we dont know if any of those wires are required for certain titles he did not test...

....so it could be possible the titles you have working are using wires which are connected properly...and the RE titles require wires which are not connected properly....
What does "MD5sum" the iso mean?

I have checked on another wiikey fusion. And Shockslayer could not get the iso to work on his Swiss wiikey fusion. To be more clear, Shockslayer seemed to get mixed results trying out the ISO. At one point he got a disc read error, at another point he got a black screen in game.

And I have all wires hooked up according to the wiikey fusion "how to guide" made by Ashen. So I did not remove any of the wires you mentioned. I suppose its always a possibility that I made a mistake with those particular wires you mentioned. But then it doesn't seem likely that I would make that same mistake on another wiikey fusion. I don't have a wii to test them out on, however.

But I've been getting a lot of different answers on how to install Swiss. That's partially because I think there's a couple ways to run Swiss. All in all, I just want to know that my customer can play these Resident Evil games properly. And I do not have an SD gecko installed in this Envision, so if someone knows how I can make that happen, please let me know.

EDIT OKAY THE PLOT THICKENS: wow...okay...just wow....Just for the heck of it, I reformatted a spare 32GB SD card and decided to add Resident Evil 2 to it. Just that game, and see what happened. IT WORKS. What on earth is going on....
md5sum is a validity check...a digital fingerprint to ensure the dump is a complete 1 to 1 copy....
you know, like when you dumped your original discs using cleanrip to create the copy you are using on the the SD card...cleanrip performs a validity check in the form of MD5sum....

you can use an md5sum program to provide you the "fingerprint" you use to compare against the database of dumps from redump or at gc-forever

and as for having wires removed...i ment it in the sense of having a faulty connection...
a faulty connection is the same thing as no connection....
so to say it another way: Loctronics and i discovered not all the wires are required for a WKF connection, but we did not test compatibility on all titles....so its possible those wires which are not connected can cause some titles to fail...which also means having bad solder connection will act the same to will allow some titles to work and some titles to fail....
for installing swiss it depends what you want to do....

normal swiss install, just use the swiss.fzn from WKF sd slot...
for swiss autoboot install you need to use SD gecko with swiss .fzn and swiss.fzn.fw

the information is in the autoboot thread with a youtube video link and detailed demonstration
Tchay said:
EDIT OKAY THE PLOT THICKENS: wow...okay...just wow....Just for the heck of it, I reformatted a spare 32GB SD card and decided to add Resident Evil 2 to it. Just that game, and see what happened. IT WORKS. What on earth is going on....

man its hard to respond to you when you keep editing your posts....

there is a little known bug in the WBFS manager that also causes weird behavior...i wrote about this at gc-forever
never rely on WBFS manager to delete isos or format your card....
you should always fully format with normal format tools (windows linux or mac), then allow WBFS manager to create the WBFS card header and new TOC..
You can edit your posts too instead of triple posting ;)

And I think that little known WFBS manager bug should become more widely known. Actually, after talking with Shockslayer, sounds like there's quite a bit of information that has not been consistently documented regarding Swiss and it's peripherals. I can only imagine how confused newer members must be regarding a lot of this.

Maybe I'll try to work with Ashen and SS on getting some nicely laid out tutorials for Swiss and putting it in the GC mega sticky. Swiss is clearly the future of the wiikey, as the WFBS manager is archaic and won't be seeing any future updates.

But I appreciate the help Megalomaniac! It's starting to look like my other 32GB card wasn't formatted correctly.

EDIT: further testing shows that adding multiple ISOs at once causes the games to give disc errors. Adding one game at a time seems to be the only way to go.

EDIT: More testing shows that I have to reformat the memory card each time to get these resident evil games to work. And melee wouldn't work after having one of the resident evil games on the SD card. ALSO, wiikey was not booting up giving me an error, when I inserted an SD card with Resident Evil 1 on it. A lot of funky stuff going on with these games. Very strange. Oddly enough, most games outside of the resident evil franchise seem to work fine and be on the same SD card at once....
...about the WBFS bug i speak of....i never saw it documented anywhere and i only just discovered it a few weeks ago while going dev testing...so i posted my findings...."little known bug" because the information was just posted...

it is alarming you mention documentation inconsistencies regarding swiss...you have some examples??
typically any and all changes between swiss versions can be seen on the swiss googlecode page as well as threads at gc-forever...as well as recommended configurations, testing results, instructions for use and the rest of the typical kind of stuff...

swiss is still evolving and with every new feature added it gets better and better....so without keeping up with the latest changes it may be easy to miss any new features or feature changes....for example:
i didnt know the cheat engine was removed in v0.3 because i never use the cheat engine...i only just realized this last week...and how long has v0.3 been out??? months!!

a megasticky solution may be ideal as long as the information is kept constantly updated with every new revision...for example: the released swiss autoboot files i posted use r214, not r174...
so if you are talking about swiss 0.3, are you talking about swiss r174 (official release) or you talking about r214 (current revision at time of this post)

what happens next week if there is a r215 and the week after that with r216?
is the megasticky going to be updated with the new changes and new bugs fixed and new bugs discovered??
the megasticky can be a very good solution as long as there is a dedicated person who will be able to document the proper information with diligence and provide results of testing for every new rev change..

the most important part of swiss is the end user feedback....
if everyone was to contribute testing results for each official release or revision change, those results would allow proper data to confirm revision stability...some users only use FAT from WKF slot, some only use IDE-EXI hard drive, some have WKF and DVD drive connected, some only use SD Gecko, some only use Wode...
some force video mode, some dont
some force screen aspect, some dont
some have BBA connected, some dont
some use USBGecko, some dont
some use cheats, some dont

...everyone can do their part to provide feedback and results to those who can fix the problems and make improvements...
Those are all great ideas. But I am more referring to the actual instillation process as appose to individual revision changes per revision release.

The way Swiss is installed shouldn't change too much as the revisions advance (correct me if I am wrong about that). And I have gotten many different answers regarding the best way to install Swiss. For example, for Swiss v.03, I have heard that the NTSC version has problems, but the PAL version works. Is this still the case now? I have no idea. Some clarity on that would be nice. Another example is installing swiss without an SD gecko. Shockslayer tells me that you have to have an SD gecko to actually install Swiss. I seem to recall individuals installing swiss without an SD gecko (not to be confused with running Swiss as an ISO). A nice clean thread in a mega sticky could clearly explain all of these methods and explain the process.

I was digging around GC-Forever looking in the GC threads pertaining to swiss, and I couldn't seem to find a "installing swiss" tutorial. Maybe I missed it, but I couldn't find anything. And I didn't see a single mention of the process of removing a WFBS formatted memory card midboot and then inserting a FAT32 to get Swiss to bootup. I hadn't heard of that trick until you mentioned it. I also spoke with Shockslayer on the phone about some of this, and I got the impression that he didn't think there was user friendly guide out there either (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong SS).

I've also private messaged people like Ashen trying to get advice, and its all been great advice, but not entirely consistent. Trying different approaches to get Swiss to work. Not to mention, I have to visit several different threads to try to get an understanding of the process.

As with any guide on Modretro, having the process explained in a single thread removes a lot of these issues. Its pretty much what has been done with all things modding related, and installing the wiikey fusion itself. And perhaps the GC-forever Forums has such a guide, and maybe I just couldn't find it. But I still think it would be helpful for Modretro to have a Swiss guide/FAQ in the sticky section. I'm also happy to help out with the sticky as much as possible and don't mind updating it whenever necessary.