Where do you get the iso gamecube game files?

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Well-Known Member
Where do you get the iso gamecube game files?
that is my question i have been wondering for a while now about where you guys get them because i would really like to know
Yes, you need to dump them "yourself".

You can use Google to find out how to do this.
You can download them off of torrent websites.

However, in order for it to be legal, you MUST, I repeat, MUST own the disk.
SonyQrio said:
However, in order for it to be legal, you MUST, I repeat, MUST own the disk.
Under the DMCA, no matter if you own the disc or not it is illegal. Even making backups of your own discs are, because it is circumvention of copy protection, which is in place to ward off piracy. Nobody's going to arrest you for making copies of your own games, but because of the way the law is worded it is still technically illegal.

So no, there is no legal approach.

If you still want those isos, take Mario's advice and just Google "Gamecube ISOs" or something to that extent.
For the purposes of this discussion, I am going to assume you live in Russia.

Torrent sites, if you roll that way. I My good friend Ivan try to avoid torrents, though. Filestube can be used to find such files, but be aware that it is a Polish site, and Poles are slightly less evil than Germans. If you do that, you will want a download manager. Ivan likes JDownloader. Conventional ROM sites aren't very good for newer games on ISOs, but you may be able to find more specific sites. Many are full of ads for busty Russian women, although Ivan says that it is a scam. Google.ru is also quite useful.
Torrent websites hide under the fact that they are simply file sharing, which is true. It is only the content being shared that is sometimes illegal.
well i own alot of gamecube games and i sorta wanted to play them on my computer sometimes so i could add cheats and stuff
And I was just wondering on how to dump them from the disk or get them from a website that is all i was really wondering and no i don't live in Russia i live in the usa but anyways it was just something i was wondering and i guess i'll have to google it like everyone says
Iso's for the sake of wiikey fusion/your own GC? *Can'tSayThisOnTV* yeah, do that.
Emulating on your computer? "Flamboyant Homosexual".

At least help out somebody by buying a modchip, or some writable dvd's.

Stimulate the economy in some way to make up for the games you aren't buying. I know that's terrible but it's better than nothing.

A little burd once told me that JDownloader was good for multiple direct downloads, I already had it and I still use it for everything now, so +1 for that recommendation. XD

Anyways I should lock this or something.

ShockSlayer said:
Emulating on your computer? "Flamboyant Homosexual".

Well, that expensive gaming PC stimulates the economy, so that counts imo. :p

Also, you really need to see Wind Waker running in Dolphin in 1080p, that flax is amazing. Although everyone should own WW legitimately by now anyway.
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