Whats this component?


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I'm trying to fix a 24" monitor and I think I have tracked the problem down to this one component. It looks like a resistor but it can't be because the color bands don't match any resistor, and its a bit larger then the average one too.

The monitor is a SyncMaster 245BW if that matters to anyone.
Three possibilities, basically.

1. A power resistor. Higher wattage resistors are generally larger. The colour bands are a bit weird, though, and it appears to be a five-band resistor code. The rightmost three I can tell are yellow, green and blue, but the other two are a bit iffy. The first two could be brown and gold or black and brown. I'm leaning toward the former, since the latter is invalid. Using a five-band calculator and those colours, that makes this a 65.4 ohm resistor read from right to left, the other way doesn't seem to be valid.
2. It's a capacitor. Axial, colour-coded capacitors are rare but do exist, and it does have the right number of stripes. I don't think this is the case, though. I looked up a chart and going blue, green, yellow, brown, black makes it a 650000pf (0.65uF), 1% tolerance, 0 temperature coefficient capacitor.
3. The last possibility is that of an inductor or choke. These look similar and can have stripes. This one doesn't have the right number of stripes, though.
Actually I found the resistor symbol on the other side of the board where it goes. So what the Heck?
Plus, it's marked R on the board, indicating a resistor.
Five-band resistors are pretty common; look up a color guide on Google.
If you interpret it as Blue Green Yellow Gold Brown, it is valid. 65.4 ohms, 1% tolerance.
Does that sound like what it should be? It's pretty close to where 120VAC is put into it, so it's possible it could have been killed from a power surge?

Yes, no?

Can anyone point me to a place where I can get this resistor? I don't see one on digikey.


Found this pic on google, but its the same as mine.