What is the highest voltage a ps2 slim can take in?

Re: What is the highest voltage a ps2 can take in?

It wants 8.5v, I bet 7.4v-10v ish would be ok.
I would but it's a friends ps2 and i promised him a portable and so i can't screw this up.
So,I sorta need a expert,if i try and fail. I owe him a new ps2 which i cannot afford.
Some rc car battery.
I use them all the time i 've got 3.
I guess your right i could regulate them down buy i don't know how.
Linear regulators are butts and you shouldn't use them.

Find a switching regulator, they are way more efficient.
I don't understand on how to wire that switching regulator.
Those diagrams hurt my brain. I need a like paint pic.
I tried to understand it but I am terrible at reading them.