Using this as an xbox psu?


what does the xbox psu output? all I know is that you input a Heck of a lot of power into it.
It ain't as bad as a 360, but still a power hog. I gotta take a look see at the original psu specs.
I don't think a PTH08080 will do the job, you'll need some more powerful cards. Also, you can't get away with 2.2K resistors for 3.3V. It has to be more accurate than that. I think so, anyway.

May I ask why? If it's to save money, a cheap computer PSU will work.
No, it's because I have a ton of free regulators. Also, I probably wouldn't use a computer psu, because I want something really slim.
Run your regs in parallel for maximum amperage. You might need a bunch, but it will probably work.