The Space Cube WIP

Hello everyone, I have been trying to make a GameCube portable for a while now and I finally decided I would make a worklog for this portable. I am going to try to keep this thread updated frequently and hopefully I will finish before the end of the summer. I do not have all the parts except the GameCube and controller so that's what I am working with right now.

Here is just a picture of the size comparison of the case and a regular GameCube.


Here is the stock regulator wired to the Cube


Update 7/14/15: Well here is what it looks like now with the Wasp wired up and it does work even though it took me many tries to get it to work.


Update 7/23/15: I got a new gamecube because the other one stopped working and I also had to get a new wasp but anyways I finally got It wired up to an OMGWTF cut board and it works

Pic of it working on the screen next to my cool wave bird
Well I was inspired by the cool skins that came with the GameCube and controller I bought at the flee market basically It looks like lighting but I didn't want to name it the lightning cube and It also reminded me of lightning in space soo I named it the Space Cube. It also sounds mysterious and I like the name :D Also Update to the first post