Tengen Toppa Super DMG


Frequent Poster
I... don't think there is anything left for me really to do with the game boy at this point. it's backlit, it plays GBC games in full color, it has awesome buttons, it has a rechargeable battery...

Writeup is here: http://mikejmoffitt.com/wp/?p=123

Video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qviyloUgB3w
The only thing it's missing is Kamina.

Good job, very clean. I personally love it! and go find a Dang battery cover :p
(First post) This is exactly what I am doing (without backlit gba and can play gba games) Will post progress soon. Could you possibly send a diagram of the button wiring to me? That would be great. Awesome job by the way. :D
You can't call it that without putting some custom paint on it. It needs sunglasses something fierce.