Switchable power input?


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm going to be building a guitar pedal based on a ZVex fuzz factory, but I want to be able to completely disconnect the battery from the circuit when I plug the 9v adapter in. I have been told to use a switching jack, but If i'm to be perfectly honest, I can't find one anywhere I have looked, nor do I understand in the slightest how to wire it.... Every schematic i've seen makes absolutely zero sense, which is why i'm here. Any help would be appreciated guys!
If you truly can't find any stitching jacks and wanted to go a rather inefficient and power-hungry route, you could put a normally closed relay triggered by the adapter's power that switches the battery power. It would probably make a noise when you switched, and might draw more power than it's worth.

Fuzz petals sound like flax anyway
Fuzz pedals sound like fuzz pedals :p and it's for a friend who really wants this fuzz factory, but he can't afford one. I've handled my switching jack, took one out of a broken pedal. This can be closed.