its awesome! and stuff! you said and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! and stuff!and stuff! :awesome:
Wow, Oniak. Just because someone doesn't care that their creation isn;t the prettiest, doesn't mean they didn't do a good job.

Good job, SS, love the N64 flanks.
It's pretty cool, but now it's a lot less portable, which is one of the appeals of the GP2X. That said, it's probably a lot more usable now. So, pretty cool, but not that epic.
Looks nice. What's with the N64 cartridge door flap on the back? Added stability?
I am tempted to do this now, only with an internal speaker, bondo, sanding, and paint.
It has internal speakers, one of them just doesn't work, for some reason. The plastic on the back is for added stability.

I didn't have a snes controller to use or I would have :awesome:

Sure, before, the gp2x was "portable," but considering that I use it more at home tahn other places, who cares?

Anyways, I'm off now, I've got a long weekend + labor day + the followup to deal with.

aweSSome (I like that joke! :ssawesome:)
Dang it, man, I was thinking of trading back for the dingoo, but you've ruined my baby! Both speakers worked fine before you did stuff to it.