Spectre GCP [Worklog]

The Screen came and It IS AMAZING! The quality is great and fits in the case great. While on that subject, the case needs only a small amount of work before I can start installing stuffs.

Pictures to come....
Case Update!

I spent a good 6-7 hours on this thing and I am quite pleased with the results. I still have to figure out how I am going to go about getting the L and R triggers in there but for now I think I will be fine. The screen fits beautifully and the controls turned out great. The front did crack while cutting, but a little bondo fixed that right up :awesome:



The Front of the case (You'll notice the crack at the very bottom.


The back side.


The insides1
What's the red marker for?
Your case will look great when you have sanded it all smooth. As for the wii u hard case, is it nice to work with? I'm thinking of using one as they seem to be a nice size and look comfy :)
Why did you fill in the back? will that not just be a pain to sand?
The red marker is an indicator on where I need to fill in some pits and crevices... The bodoing job on the controls wasn't exactly ideal... For size and comfort, It is a dream! It fits perfectly in the hand. I have no complaints. When it comes to actually working with case, I found it to be pretty easy. I should say though that when they say it is a hard case, they really mean it is a hard case. The thing takes forever to actually get sanded down. I guess in some aspects, its great for that reason but its just flat out time consuming. The back is a pain to sand, What I did was remove about 1 3/8 an inch from the middle so that the screen would fit in the opening. This in turn required me to splice the two halves together. So far, it seems to be holding rather well. There was a problem with some cracking on the very bottom but I have since solved that issue.
Um.. Did you use anything besides bondo? Bondo is not used to fuse things together because it isnt strong enough and it cracks. Get yourself some abs cement or you can even make your own.
Yeah I was afraid it was going to have to come to that. I believe the case is Polystyrene. I tried to use PVC cement but that obviously had no affect. Oh yeah... Thanks Gman. Did you use ABS in your PS2P case?
I've been waiting for deal extreme or someone to get replacement wiiu gamepad shells in stock because they're so perfect for gamecubes. Good job using a case nstead. Not sure about how well the screen will fit but good luck to you.
Thanks! I didn't take any pictures of it yet, but the screen fits beautifully! I can take some and post it later.
Wii Key Update!

Got my Wii Key ordered from ModChipsDirect and the shipping time was incredible! Ordered on Sunday and received on Tuesday! Got the host cable cut to be soldered and attached to the Gamecube. The case as well has been painted and the Memory card is completely soldered.
Quick Question, Would it be easier to solder to the chip vias for the wiikey fusion or solder to the filtering capacitors? Are there any negative effects to not soldering to the capicitors?
Ok So. I got the wii key soldered up and I checked and rechecked every connection.I powered up the console, it started fine went to the menu, I hit the pin 29 switch and then the screen goes all "green squiggly". I can post some pictures if needed. Any ideas?
Nevermind, The wires to the wiikey were not large enough. On that subject, Does the SD Card need to be formated before the wiikey can boot?
Well Hi Guys! After a bit of time, one broken Wiikey, and plenty of Time trying to open a Wii without a Tri Wing Screwdriver (P.S.... Not Fun...), I have returned to finish my portable! :D

That being said, I have...
-Updated my Wiikey to 1.5 (At some point I will setup Autoboot. No SD Gecko Yet.)
-Connected the Wiikey to my GC Board Via a breakout board from Newhaven Display
-Finished roughly 80% of the controller hookup, I cant seem to think up any way to make some triggers for the curvature of the Gamepad, more on that later.
-Gotten a nice lil' switching reg from Amazon to power my screen

However, I have NOT...
-Gotten a suitable battery. I decided I wanted the thing operational before I worried about batteries
-Connected the triggers, start, or Z buttons.
-Made my case any better. Its still some what of a "Spray Painty Mess".

So, the triggers on the gamepad normally operate with a contact pad behind a hinged button. The problem I am having is that I cant seem find a substitute trigger to put in place of the normal ones. I am using Zenloc's Dual Tact mod for the triggers, making it a little easier to hookup. Any Ideas or comments would be appreciated!

Thanks for the time! I should be finished in a weeks time.

So, The Wiikey WILL boot but I have to hold the pin 29 switch for it to boot, and then once at the Wiikey Menu, it does nothing. Nothing responds. I tried shortening the ground wires to see if that would alleviate the issues. Nope. I don't want to rewire all the pins sorter but I'll do it if it is necessary. Do you guys have any ideas?