Soldering wires to disk drive pinout



I'm new to console moding, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question. I've been wiring my WASP fusion (Wiikey clone) to my disk drive pinout on my motherboard. I took off the port and am currently soldering to the back side of the board (Side B). However I've run into an issue: little bits of the metal traces are still stuck in the solder in the pinout holes, making it really difficult to push the wire through.


See the little metal pin thingies pointing up out of the pin holes? That's my issue. How did you guys solve this? Any ideas?

Sorry it's sideways: imgur being weird.

Thanks in advance!
Heat up soldering iron. Add flux to GC board. Melt solder on board with tip. Metal attaches to tip and comes out of hole when you move the solder tip away.
Awesome, I'll try that tomorrow. I don't have any flux currently, so I was trying that method without it and the board wouldn't heat up enough to dislodge the traces. I'll let you know if the flux makes it work.

Yeah, turns out my desoldering vacuum just sucked, but with a little flux and a better soldering iron tip and a better vacuum it was a breeze.