SNES Controller: What parts and tools would I need to...


...mod a SNES controller to a USB cable? I know mass-produces these, and I'm actually seeing if he can do a little doctoring up on my three N64 controllers at a good price, but it may actually be cheaper to do it myself, I dunno. I do have some spare USB cables (the Mini ones that you use on most phones and the full-size house-shaped ones you use with some cameras) if those can be used, but I want to know exactly what parts I would need to convert a standard SNES controller to a USB Human Interface Device (so it can be used on any OS as a gamepad). Also, roughly how much would it cost to make?

(Also, if the title wasn't completely informative, sorry. It's good enough, I guess, if you are knowledgeable of SNES controllers. BTW, this would be my first mod that I actually DO. I've thought about starting some before, but I never really did them. The same thing will PROBABLY happen with this too, but you never know.)

I hate you.
It'd be too complicated and expensive, probably. I dunno. Pretty sure you couldn't do it with parts laying around the house.
Also, the flax on that guy's site is waaay overpriced.

I'd suggest buying a generic USB gamepad with enough buttons for a SNES controller, and then just wiring the SNES buttons to it. It'd be easier and cost less. I have one I could sell you for $10 shipped, a quick glance reveals it could be cut and used for this quite easily. Heck, I could do it for you for a little bit more.

Hm, maybe not then. One thing I might want to do, however...


This is broken.


This is not.



(If I break the controller I don't care, I have 3 more. Well, one is in pieces in a drawer, but 2 is all you need for a SNES anyway.)
ShockSlayer said:
Swapping the buttons? If the plastic fits. I don't know why you would ever want to do that though.


Just for *PLAQUE*'s and giggles. The buttons on that PS2 thing are a bit smaller, but they might work. Doubt my screwdriver could fit in those god*PLAQUE* holes on the controller, though. I love PS2 buttons for no apparent reason, and it would be funny just to have a frankentroller sitting around.

That almost sounded like a troll Frankenstein....that doesn't sound good.

...anyway, how about sticking green LED's inside a translucent green Sony PS2 'troller in random locations around the handles and maybe the middle, if there's room? Where shall they be wired, and what doohickeys will they need to work properly?

(And again, any of these has the potential to be my first mod. I want to start simple. I wonder if my parents would allow me to do something more complicated than a button swap, though.... :confused: - I'll need some assistance doing anything more complicated than a button swap due to my extremely limited knowledge of wiring...and that's exaggerating the real amount of my knowledge. And I'm sure Redstone doesn't count.)
honestly, for the SNES to USB I just bought a keyboard, traced the default keymap of my emulator and wired them up appropriately cost me like $15 and only took me an afternoon
Diminuendo said:
honestly, for the SNES to USB I just bought a keyboard, traced the default keymap of my emulator and wired them up appropriately cost me like $15 and only took me an afternoon
How about that key ghosting, eh?
if you want to make a USB SNES controller, you'll need a USB programmer or a pre-programmed board meant for such purpose.

If you want to do something that can be built with easily obtained parts, you could aways do a SNES to Parallel Port adapter, like I did. The adapter I built can support 5 controllers. The downside being that modern laptops don't exactly come with a parallel port, so it's restricted to pretty much just desktop usage.

also, please use a descriptive thread title in the future. I don't want to have to click on a thread to know if I have any input.