Simple SNES Portable






5' TFT Screen
Stereo sound with push button controls
Original AV out
2500mah Li-ions (Soon to be 5000mah)
Ability to charge and play
It's still compatible with the original power adapter
Second player support

Yadda, yadda, built it as a final project for a class. It's pretty nice.
Very nice Bud! You say its your final project, but I'm sure eventually you'll get the itch again. ;)
Whoops. I meant as a final project for a class. I may or may not be taking on a commission here soon ;)
bud said:
Whoops. I meant as a final project for a class. I may or may not be taking on a commission here soon ;)
thats a relief! what class is this for? I wish I could do a modding project for a class!!
My high school requires everyone to do a senior project. It consists of a research paper, community service, and creating a product of some sort. I decided to do something I'm good at.
Awesome. You made the holes for the buttons in order to use the gamepad board without trimming, right?
Ashen said:
Very nice Bud! You say its your final project, but I'm sure eventually you'll get the itch again. ;)

haha so true. eeeveryone gets the itch again. The Envision was supposed to be my last portable. Now I'm working on 4 at once with plans for 3 other ones after that :p

And great job Bud. Sexy and clean as my...nevermind.