Shrinking the 360 a Tiny bit


Breaker of Everything
Staff member
So, in order to make the 360 begin to be feasible for even a large laptop, you kinda have to relocate quite a few caps. I figured, since you're taking them off anyway, why not put a smaller on in their places.

So, I found these: 10 NCC KZJ 6.3V 820UF LOW ESR Motherboard Capacitor
By ebay seller egekecu

You need 15 per board

I grabbed enough for 2 360 boards.

I just got done with the first one, it works fine... pretty impressive considering this is the board that caught fire in my failed attempt at a reflow oven. :D
The biggest benefit to this is that they are 1cm tall, so the same as the width of the bigger caps. This way, you can still have the majority of the caps soldered directly to the board, and only have the 9 or so larger ones actually relocated. Less parts flopping around = less flax to mess up randomly.

Old VS New

Mid switch


*I actually had one still left to change, but who really cares?

I just got done testing, and flax turned on, so I guess I did things right.

Note: I didn't get these for any special project, so stop getting your hopes up. I got these because half of my old caps blew the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up when the mobo caught fire.
That's right, I still don't call flax dead, even after it was in *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing flames.
Great find!
ttsgeb said:
I got these because half of my old caps blew the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up when the mobo caught fire.
^this was funny as Heck
I laughed when it happened. My friends and neighbors that were watching the toaster oven with an xbox in it sitting on the sidewalk were even more confused after that.