Shop computer


Got the board from an old craptop that I had. upgraded a bunch of stuff put a free cad software on it. I made it impact resitant by changing the case. The only trouble is how am I going to control it is no longer a laptop. Any suggestions I want to reuse the stuff i took out, which was the screen, the key board, the mouse track pad, ect. I have some other junk lying around and goodwill helps too. Just want to use as little wires as possible.
A USB hub with keyboard and mouse should get you your inputs. The laptop should have a VGA port for a regular monitor.

You could always reattach the original screen, keyboard, mouse, and trackpad, but then there wouldn't have been any point in tearing it apart in the first place.

What are the system specs? What are you running on it? What are you trying to do?
Im running a linux, I'm only using it for a basic CAD software, as for system specs about 1gig of ram and 1gHz single core i got out of some other P.O.S. from goodwill, the video card is intergated but it has a port for externals so I might get the Goodwill PC's dedicated card

Do you think a flight stick would be a good mouse controller, I guess you would call it that,