[SERVICE] Free Video Editing


So I plan on making video editing a profession and want to get better at it, and what better way than by editing videos. I am in school getting my Film major and want to offer you guys a "FREE" video editing service . The reason "FREE" is in quotes is because all I ask from you guy is that you allow me to put the videos that I edit for you on my YouTube channel. This channel isn't a popular channel, it is more of a place for me to give to people that want to see my projects, I.E Family, friends, and just to backup my edits in case I need a job and all my other backups crash. Feel free to head on down to my YouTube channel and check out my videos. So if you want me to edit your videos, just post here or message me and I will be happy to!

P.S. The only reason the videos on my channel are not very good is because I had to shoot them, and between my work, my other classes, and lack of available friends for the same reasons, this is best I could do, with the very very very limited time I had, but now that I have more time with Summer coming I can edit away!