Sega Genesis 2/3/32x AV pinout



Please note: you do not need to modify your genesis 3 for RGB when you are using a psone screen. Just pull it directly off the CXA1645M chip, in the places used in this tutorial.

You will not need the caps and resistors unless it's being used on something other than a psone screen.
But you don't need to do anything on that page; the RGB output is suitable for use directly off the CXA1645...
I thought it was, because I was having some trouble getting it to work on my psone screen. But thinking back on it, I do remember seeing your Genesis 3 working on a psone screen without amplification. I thinking this mod only applies when you're using it on a typical RGB monitor. I'll edit my first post to make that clear.


Just resistors as the levels were too high for VGA standards. I had no idea this monitor would sync to a <30khz signal. Awesome!

While we're at it, with this god-tier monitor...


It's just a normal SyncMaster 940Be. I hooked up R,G,B, and ground like you'd expect, but VGA normally uses H and V sync separately while all my game devices only have C-sync (composite sync) easily accessable. Luckily putting C-sync on the V-sync pin for VGA and leaving H sync open it works just fine. I had to play with the image settings to get it to be clear (it was doing a weird doubling thing and was jiggly), but that just took like 5 seconds the first time. I don't recall off the top of my head, but I had to use resistors to bring down the RGB lines to a usable voltage as it was far too bright.

All 3 of my SyncMasters work with it, so if you want to hop on eBay and grab yourself a 940Be for some classic RGB goodness I suggest you go for it.