Reverse Engineering 79001 -- last update *Mon Mar 23, 2015*


Active Member
from now on I will post all new findings here

Mon Mar 23, 2015
after giving it a bit of further thought, the Blue and Purple tracks are probably not as Important as all the others, because even though most of them are in line with the BIOS, they are also the raw game Data lines of the main system. this tells me that the BIOS is loaded on the exact same BUS as the raw game Data, which the I/OP sorts out, almost like a traffic light

CODERS!!! WE NEED CODERS!!! if we could find a way to inject the game Data from an ISO, in the form and format that the CPU would receive it from the I/OP, as it is read from a Disc... we would have native, full speed playback



Sun Mar 22, 2015
been a while since I posted an update here, and even after all this time I really only have one thing to report.. but it could be big

you'll notice that I started from a fresh slate and made a whole new set of tracings. some plot first though: has anyone heard of the HD Pro? for those who haven't, its a mod that uses the code injection abilities of the Modbo 4.0 to load games from an HDD. the trouble is that it isn't great for speed, not much different than USB loading through OPL from what I've learned

anyway this mod injects the code into the CPU through the BIOS lines used by the Modbo, which is why it's so inherently slow. well I was looking at that 40 pin footprint next to the BIOS chip, and aside from having all 10 of the Modbo BIOS lines, it includes every single Data line on the BIOS chip, some GND, some VCC, and last but not least, 11 completely unused Data lines (Blue and Purple) which go directly into the CPU

obviously exploiting these points would require quite a bit of coding experience similar to what it takes to make a GDEMU, or a PSIO, or even a WiiKey Fusion (for Gamecube), but I was able to find a component that would fit the footprint, so we'll see what happens ... ND/4895053

if absolutely nothing else, this could be used to great effect to load alternate BIOS images, but its worth a look

Mon Mar 09, 2015
Just one this time, I've traced both the Y, and CX Modbo 4.0 points and found alternate points on the back side of the board (decreased latency). the new CX is right next to the BIOS, its been marked with a light violet, and the new Y is just above the BIOS, marked in red



the inherit loss of quality makes all of this difficult to discern, I need a way to upload them in original resolution..

Previous Updates

*Sat Mar 07, 2015*
this update is rather large, it comes after I've revealed about 9% of the sub copper, but through it I have been able to trace the DVD Drive almost completely. I've also traced the A/V out back through the filters to their respective sources, I have not yet been able to determine if they will function correctly without the filters. there are also 2 new points that can be used for disc lid and reset, near the DVD laser cable

one thing I want to call attention to this time around is the red and green tracings on the top side of the board, coming out the left side of the CPU. they may turn out to be nothing, but they could possibly be used as another method of playing backups. there's certainly enough pins for say.. an SD card? food for thought

*Fri Mar 06, 2015*
this is just an improved method for closing the disc lid, it uses the original power bus, and is very easy to solder. the single wire closes it all the time, and a switch between the two points lets it open/close

*Tue Mar 03, 2015*
one thing I want to point out is the Teal pad marked "NO", this has been the widely accepted method for activating the disc drive, but the other side of the board (which I will post soon) shows that this pad is linked directly to the CPU and I/O processor, this could be potentially harmful, or at the very least may cause long term performance issues, because every time you close the switch, you create a voltage drop. the tracks highlighted and water colored Magenta 3.3V, are the original power bus used by the system for this function
Re: Start the conversation!!

Good work. Don't let the lack of answers discourage you.

How many layers does the board have? Do you think the board can be made smaller? Judging by the pictures, it doesn't look like there is lot that can be cut...
Re: Start the conversation!!

C4RB0 said:
Good work. Don't let the lack of answers discourage you.

How many layers does the board have? Do you think the board can be made smaller? Judging by the pictures, it doesn't look like there is lot that can be cut...

thank you :) I noticed when I began posting that the PS2 corner of the scene has been a little quiet of late, but don't worry, I'll continue to post my work here regardless of feedback.

also the PS2 79001 has 4 layers, which I am currently working on revealing, and will post photos soon. after that we can determine how much more if at all the board can be trimmed

for now though, here is the current progress on the top side. its not labeled yet, but the color patterns speak for themselves I think
Re: Start the conversation!!

Excellent work here lightning! Between your other work and the pi SMB sever trick I see a bright future for portable PS2s.
Re: Start the conversation!!

Bush, that is exactly what I'm trying to help create. I've always felt that the PS2 doesn't get enough attention (says the fanboy) lol
Re: Reverse Engineering 79001 -- last update *Mon Mar 09, 2

(for lack of any other way to show new posts at top)
Re: Reverse Engineering 79001 -- last update *Sun Mar 22, 2

Wow this is intense. I'm don't even know what most of that even means, but I know its good progress. Your sanding looks fantastic by the way. What program are you using to map the traces?
Re: Reverse Engineering 79001 -- last update *Sun Mar 22, 2

I'm not even sure what it all means, but they are the same tracks that the system uses to load the raw game data into the CPU. and I used Gimp 2; the fuzzy select tool (magic wand) for grabbing an individual track, and the pencil tool to color them in