Research Project


Active Member
Hey Guys,

Once again I'm back for advice :lol:

But I'm in a program at my high school, called science research. I have a mentor from a local college who is a professor in electronics. I was wondering if you guys have any ideas as to what kind of project I can do pertaining to portabilizing. I have absolutly no idea at all.

Soooo... what's your assignment, exactly? You say you're in a scientific research program...

If it's scientific research, I don't see too many opportunities there as far as portabilizing goes, not in a "research" capacity. Unless you want to merge some kind of sociality aspect to it, which would kind of work. In other words, research the community itself, why we group together, etc.
Its more of a project where I collect data and enter fairs with it.

It doesn't have to be portabilizing exactly, just some ideas that are similar in any ways. I'm having my prof. come to my workshop to think of some ideas next week, its just I was wondering if you guys had anything.
Probably the most generic description of a project I've ever heard.

Seriously, if you can't think if something to do with portabilizing, then you probably should think of a different topic.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what I'm talking about.

Basically I'm looking if theres any idea with electronics that are researchable. I felt I'd ask you guys if you had any ideas that were in any way similar to the concept of portablizing, just because you have the similar interest to me. I really have no idea, something like how the effect of mah's in a charger, to the speed that something chargers. Obviously I wont do that because its idiotic, but thats the concept.

And robm if you just want to be an ass, just PLINK off
Not being an ass, just stating a fact :)

qerkdtx said:
Basically I'm looking if theres any idea with electronics that are researchable.

Broadest. Topic. Ever.

Research soldering techniques used for relocating a cart slot. Thermal qualities of a linear regulator, and why we don't like to use them. The frustration quotient of the N64 motherboard. The amazingness of the Gameboy backlight mods, and why it's a good idea to even DO a backlight mod. LCD viewing angle properties, and why they even HAVE viewing angles. The usability of different LCD packages, and why (or why not.) Why hotglue is so awesome. Research the adaptation of cases that weren't designed for the uses we put them through, and how we do so (i.e., Bondo/etc.) Research the progression of complicity which video game motherboards have evolved into. The list goes on and on and on and on and on.

As I said, not being an ass. It's just an extremely broad question, and not specific at all.
See but that was exactly what I wanted. I was considering looking into battery decay, but I'm not sure what exactly