Removed the U8 and now she's dead.


Evening all,

So, I'm right towards the end of completing this portable, its looking great, everything was working perfect, and then disaster.

I needed to remove the U8 to get optimal fitment. After being advised it was fine, I removed it, and bridged the pif pins for each controller port.

I also trimmed a little along the base, removing some of the SMD clusters for the controller ports.

Then when it came to testing my screen started to play up and now has an annoying short. But that aside, everything seems dead. No sound, no video. Just a black screen looking back at me.

Has anyone got any advice as to where I've gone wrong! I've done the 2k fix on the pif as that was a problem before. But after removing the U8, I seem to be having problems :(

Any help appreciated

Its a revision 1 pal board.

I really hope it isnt trashed as I've put alot of work into this board :(

Also I will get some pics up as soon as I can get to my laptop.
please make some pics front and back. i have been cutting away on 5 pal boards now and learned a lot. some seem to react different then ntsc version.

buds guide is ntsc only i think, also zenloc comfirmed cutting away the resistors and caps will result in black screen on pal models.

i have a board working now with u8 removed and cut up untill jumperpack

Zenloc directed me to your work on SS forums and I think I may have found the problem.

When I cut away the bottom, I have taken with it some of the SMD's. I was going to try your 750ohm trick on the two points to see if this revived it.

Here are the pics anyway.




Thanks for any help

I have trimmed my PAL revision 1s down there and have had only one problem which was when two pins of the U8 shorted. Basically I have cut the smd capacitors and resistors near the controller ports with no trouble. The only problem I can see with yours is the big blob of solder in the third picture which might be creating a short or the smd components that you have left on are shorting something. Remove those and sand the edge of the board see if that helps.