Probably a stupid question; resistors


Okay, so I went to RadioShack to get a 2k resistor. But guess what, they didn't have any. So I just went ahead and picked up a pack of 1k resistors with the intentions of using two 1k resistors in place of a 2k. Will this work correctly? :k
I don't think a 2k resistor is standard. They probably had 2.2k resistors, which will usually work just fine instead if a perfect 2k. :p
Mario said:
I don't think a 2k resistor is standard. They probably had 2.2k resistors, which will usually work just fine instead if a perfect 2k. :p

They did. But I was under the impression that 2k will get me closer to 3.3k than a 2.2k will out of a PTH08000 :)
If you're trying to get 3.3v out (fairly common, guessing here), then actually you're supposed to be using 1.87k. 2k is just the closest value we can get easily, so we use that, and that undervolts it a bit, which actually decreases heat dissipation, but given how much less it is probably not a noticeable amount less heat.
That's why I said "closer to 3.3k" ;) Maybe one day Radioshack will carry 1.87k resistors. lol
OOPS. I did. I was typing so much "2k" and "2.2k" that I accidentally put it next to the 3.3 x_X

Yeah. I meant that I was trying to get closer to 3.3v. ^^;;