Power Issue


Active Member
Before I even try to hook up batteries to it , I tried powering on with the ac adapter, The LED blinks on and off once, then nothing happens, no video either. (pretty sure i hooked it up right) , there is no DD right now , I'm working on wiring the wiikey but I have used other gamecubes and It atleast started up with no DD. any ideas? The wiikey is not connected to my system right now
The Real Hitler said:
Try another outlet



You have an electrical shortage. Ground is probably touching voltage somewhere. What work have you done on the board thus far.
a bit, removed all the ports, wired a controller, replaced the fuse, wired a bios bat, led , I have run it like this before though, I know there are some shorts in the removed ports, but it never stopped it from turning on , thanks.
You wired the controller backwards. Happens to me every time. Desolder it and see what happens.
clean up your ports.

Also, if you have a camera, take a good picture of your motherboard. In the process of troubleshooting, you want to simplify everything to narrow down the problem. Remove the controller entirely, fix your ports, then try turning on the system.