post noob questions here :)

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hello the reason for this post is to help as many people as possible by answering your noob questions not only will i answer your questions but other people that feel the need to help out as well can help out also. :)
IM HERE TO HELP YOU :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll:

This is not the most pointless and redundant thread ever. And the lack of capitalization and punctuation does a lot to inspire confidence.
XCVG said:
This is not the most pointless and redundant thread ever. And the lack of capitalization and punctuation does a lot to inspire confidence.
As do the 13 :dahroll:s in a row
He just is. I also lol'd when I found out he has two accounts, and sucks at hiding it. gamedawg33 is the username, and look at his signature. :o OMG? The same name?
Um, how about no. The forum is for noob questions. And its clearly designed for it. As for dual accounts, jesus that is pathetic. I have half a mind to lock this right now, but we'll see what happens.
ya pretty sure i should have been banned and this thread locked by now....considering my last account got locked for underage .... just sayin....i dont care if i get bANNED to be honest with one on this website is nice anyway....mbb forums r way better...
The admins aren't going to ban you. It would cause an uproar over at MBB if we banned you for no reason. Someone lock this please. Oh, and I don't think you could even figure out what side of a soldering iron to use.
Bac forums are no where near as good as MR forums if you don't believe me the ask yourself do they have Ashen NO do they have zenl0c NO then counter in the fact that your twelve and throwing a little hissy fit just for lolz and yeah I agree with Noah lock this thread
Noah7 said:
The admins aren't going to ban you. It would cause an uproar over at MBB if we banned you for no reason. Someone lock this please. Oh, and I don't think you could even figure out what side of a soldering iron to use.

You aren't in any position to talk, they've no reason to uproar over anyone getting banned here, just as we've no reason to get in an uproar over anyone getting banned there. We are two separate sites, with a somewhat common interest and a small group of shared members. Only reason any site gets into an uproar is when some idiot goes and does things that they shouldn't.

wolborg said:
Bac forums are no where near as good as MR forums if you don't believe me the ask yourself do they have Ashen NO do they have zenl0c NO then counter in the fact that your twelve and throwing a little hissy fit just for lolz and yeah I agree with Noah lock this thread

We aren't trying to be better than them and they aren't trying to be better than us, we are trying to be better as individual forums, and a whole modding scene. Saying things like that only hinders growth, especially when both zenloc and Ashen are contributing members of MBB. There's nothing wrong with liking MR or favoring it over other sites, but putting down other sites when doing so is plain stupid and annoying, and it makes you looks dumb.

Notice how said upstanding, contributing members never say those kinds of things?
Yeah, act more like them in that regard.

S'the one major drawback of being an admin is that I have to address this kind of garbage from time to time, but me doing so means that you don't have to.

So don't.

And to both of you, we(the MR staff) don't need to be told when to lock a thread and when not to; that's our job, not yours, and I suggest you let us do it uninterrupted. There's rarely a thread we don't spot, I suggest if you see direct and obvious rule breaking or spambots you use the "Report this post" button, and do nothing else. Worst case scenario? Send a PM to me. You are likely to get a response, potentially followed by some action.


Now then.

Noobinator: we have an age requirement of 13. You admitted you are 12. We are somewhat legally obligated to prevent this.
Looks like you also have some sort of multiple accounts thing going? Yeah, that's against the rules too.
Doesn't look like you want to be on this forum either, calling us all mean and whatnot.
You also said you don't care.
Plus it looks like you want to get banned to try to stir up some sort of MR vs MBB bullflax again, which I'm doing my best to work with the fine folks at MBB to prevent, so if you think you are about to be a martyr? Think again.

I'm going to ban you. Not because of anything you said against the forum, and not because of any bias you think we might have against any other forum, and not because you asked me to.

I'm going to ban you because you came here and broke our rules.

And sure, I'll bet that there are plenty of ways to circumvent the system, making a new email, using a proxy or two, lying about your age once again, etc. Maybe because I've seen it all before?

Oh, but I'll tell you a secret that I've learned by watching people try this exact thing before.
You can't expect to hide who you really are from us.

No matter how many accounts you make, and no matter how many proxies you try, and no matter how many lies you tell, your sheer stupidity and pure ignorance will always shine through whatever mask you think you can fool everyone with. And if you show up again we'll just keep hammering you, and hammering you, until you lose your will and quit.

Wanna know why?

I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

You'll never be a capable of being a successful modder if you expect to lie, stir up drama, cause problems and expect to get away with it. Not here(and hopefully not anywhere.)

Come back in a year and bring some intelligence and maturity, I'll give you a chance to read this though.

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