Oculus Rift USB power mod


Frequent Poster
The Rift runs fine off of a single USB port. Write up:


There is a wacko YouTube video in that writeup link.
Just saw this on Hackaday and knew it was you thanks to your game. Was about to post it here myself :p
Mm-hmm, the only reason we didn't do it is because it's technically over USB spec. Most computers will be able to source the current just fine, though.
cool mod if you take yours on the road and use it on your laptop without a power supply, but I'd rather get my power by a more reliable means than USB
Reliable? That's for lozerz. I get my power from lightning, 1.21 jigawatts at a time.
I stick a rectifier into my wall and used a hand built linear reg.
Now if you'll excuse me, I think I left the heat on...