New source of tiny analog sticks (not nubs) coming


Gin-Choobinest Member
Staff member
Perhaps some of you have heard of Sony's NGP (next generation portable), the next iteration of the PSP. Among other (irrelevant to us) features, it has dual analog sticks. These are actual sticks, not nubs, and are very small.

Not sure when the NGP is coming out, but you can be sure that once it does, places lke DealExtreme will be carrying replacement sticks.

Google the NGP, my Kindle doesn't copy/paste.
Well cool BUT

Palmer and I know of small analog sticks from the Zodiac.

This guy on Ebay sells tons of them. I've contacted him personally.

They are called "Tapwave OEM Joystick Switches" and are analog sticks that are incredibly tiny. about the same radial movement as a PSP nub EXCEPT that its actual rotation and not that sliding crap. Its a real analog stick.

Seller's name on ebay is "8mfx8"