Nes mobo problem


Hi guys!

My project worked perfectly outside of my case.
When i was almost finish, i tried to test my portable nes and i wont power on.
I tested each circuit independently to find out that the mobo is the problem.
I send 18v to my 7805 regulator and the exit is 5v flush. When i send the 5V to my nes mobo, it drop to 0.92V.
I've changed the 7805 by a brand new one and i got the same result...

So the problem is on my mobo but i dont know what to do...
Any clues?

PS: i used to oil paint spray for my case and some get on my mobo and i think thats why it broke :wtf:
If your paint had anything conductive in it, then that could very well have been your problem. Sucks.