Nerf Mod


sweet justice
Greetings gentlemen, boys, and toast. I am not dead as many believed (and probably hoped) and I thought I'd share a really stupid mod I'm working on. I hopefully will have something VERY AWESOME AND VIDEO GAME RELATED in the near future, but for now, this is all I've got.


Anyways, the mod in question is a nerf mod. I've taken the venerable Nerf Nite Finder pistol and gone to work.
1. I replaced the spring with a larger and stretched spring
2. I sealed the spring chamber and barrel ring, as well as the barrel itself to one another
3. I removed the air restrictor system
4. I cut off the laser and dart holders
5. I covered the resulting holes plastic plates and epoxied over

Currently I am sanding the epoxy and trying to make everything flush. After the air system mods I'm getting nearly double the range (I'll test later to make sure). I opted not to take pics of the internals, but I will take pics of my current and future progress. Thanks for reading!
Ok, the final bit of superglue is drying at the moment (I had some cracks) and I will take pics when its done.
Look I modded a recon! Barrel extension, air restrictors removed, plunger reinforced, decent paint job


My friend used to do this. We modded a Titan to fire a single dart, it would leave bruises for weeks. We also got a Nitefire or whatever the Nite- one is to fire 82 feet.