My first portable! Tell me how I did!


Please praise or criticize me and tell me how I did for my first time up! Also I don't have a name yet so suggest one if you want!

The guts






Cartridge slot



Joystick and Start

A, B, and C buttons

R and Z


Sadly, I dropped the screen while I was working on it and caused it to get messed up with some broken pixels and in black and white only, but I left it only duct taped on so if i felt like spending 20 bucks on another one i could replace it easily.
I may post a video if I feel like it, but otherwise tell me how I did!
MLP reference... sorry.
The fact that you ended up with something working that doesn't look like a bomb is pretty good, but it could be better.
Well..... it's portable... for one.....and playable? the case could use some work and you should replace the screen. How's the battery life on it? I assume the controls are the tact switches on the outside, you should try using buttons next time.
Yeah... this one was kind of a practice portable. It is playable but the battery life kind of sucks. I'm probably just going to keep this one as it is and make a new portable, but is there a certain battery you would reccomend getting because the one I bought kind of just sucked and i was a little disappointed. And yeah the tact switches control it, I think I am going to use buttons on the next one.
Jmanfred said:
Yeah... this one was kind of a practice portable. It is playable but the battery life kind of sucks. I'm probably just going to keep this one as it is and make a new portable, but is there a certain battery you would reccomend getting because the one I bought kind of just sucked and i was a little disappointed. And yeah the tact switches control it, I think I am going to use buttons on the next one.
Use atleast 4 of these. 4 of those should give you 5200 mah ... .62Wh.aspx
At least it's functional, hey? I mean, sure first attempt, you got the electronics side working, with a screen and batteries.

So dump the test run and make a nicer one, seems you know what you're doing.
Yeah thanks you guys, once I get another n64 and se money together (probably end of this month when I get paid) ill start work on another one