My Custom Street Fighter 2 Arcade Hack


Active Member
If you read my work here:

I managed to get the rom of a bootleg sf2 game running on a regular cps1 pcb. However this version of the game has a few things I didn't really like. The computer opponent would randomly teleport into my face and hit me whenever it felt like it which was extremely annoying. Also ryus uppercut was very low and not nearly as cool as the rainbow edition uppercut (this was probably because in this hack ryu was already too overpowered). I copied random areas of code from the champion edition roms until I managed to remove the programming that allows the computer to teleport into my face. I also copied programming until I found the programming for ryus uppercut and I manually changed the values to make it just like rainbow edition. Interestingly enough only ryus fierce uppercut was effected his medium and weak uppercuts were still the same and all of kens uppercuts were the same too. I could change the other uppercuts but I kind of like having ryu being the only uber-beast character. For the icing on the cake I edited the bootup text so instead of saying "920313" it says "SHENG LONG" so people know the name of my unofficial hack of a hack.

I have playthroughs my other characters on my youtube account. Beleive it or not the M5 programmers actually tried making the game more balanced and made previously weak characters actually closer to equal strength to the powerful characters. As you can see by this playthrough the computer opponent isn't programmed to take advantage of the new powers so it's fairly easy to defeat.
Revision 2 is done:

Differences between revision 1 and revision 2:

Ken's heavy uppercut now launches you across the screen exactly the same way as ryus does. Guiles heavy bicycle kick now launches you across the screen at full speed and you basically can't miss an opponent with it no matter where he is. Sagat's heavy uppercut now launches you across the screen and I made it so it goes even higher than the ryu / ken ultra uppercut.