MR Secret Santa 2013 - Interest Check


ModRetro Legend
Hey guys, I thought it'd be cool to try doing a secret santa this year for MR, but I want to make sure there would be enough people interested before I set anything up. If we end up doing it, I was thinking on setting a soft $35 limit on gifts (ie:you can go over this if you want, but don't be sad if you don't get matched up with someone who also went over the limit), but I'd like some feedback on that first.

If you're interested please post in this thread saying so, as well as your country and where you are willing to ship (ex: Domestic only, International, US & Canada only, EU only, etc). The more people show interest here, the higher the odds that this will actually happen.
Generally I just send all of my love to Herma, but this could be cool.
interested, but depends on the rules. Some of which include that the people allowed in, should be verified good dealers in the junkyard or at least very well known members.
I'm up for it. I love you Canadians, but I'd prefer US only cause shipping and customs there suck.
Shipping? I was planning to find the person's house and slipping down their chimney...

Ya know, back in the day, being Santa used to mean something...
I would be interested, but I would also like to see some more developed rules before committing.
Yeah, I don't think it's going to happen with the current number of people interested. I'll give this thread maybe another week or so just in case though.