ModRetro 2013 Campaign


I propose as a new goal that we as a forum can start at the turn of the year is to introduce and bring more people into the ModRetro family. We can even include this to the ShockSlayer Forums. This is probably the best forum I have ever been on, the members have always been kind and there is always a team spirit here. Plus the general discussion and random other threads on here are always interesting to read. I've thought of some eventual benefits of increasing the members to the site-

-Introducing more people to the world of modding

-Bringing in some more people who know what they're doing and can help beginners

-More people to drive conversation

-Answers to some questions can be answered more quickly because there are more people with experience

-A possible influence on gaming and computer development

Now I think we should open discussion on how we can advertise the site to people. I love this site and even though I can barely mod, I want to see this site get more credit and honor than it currently has, because it has earned more than that.
More members doesn't necessarily mean more people with experience. I would be willing to bet that a good number of people who "know what they're doing" have already seen portables on Engadget, Hackaday, and other tech/hacking news/blog sites.
This is a niche hobby. If the site branched out to more general modding, it might gain more popularity, or it'll just seem extra empty.
Well, the idea is to get more people that will gain experience.
We don't want to end up like BHF, after all.
Vskid's right, plus people that know what they're doing always have better things to do, so unless you start paying them they've no incentive to try to explain for the 15th time "Read the godDang stickies" or "Learn to use *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing google." There's nothing interesting or mentally stimulating about that.

The basis of what makes ModRetro as good as it is is that it's niche, trying to become more than that ruins one of the last things it has going for it.

Nah, it's on an IV, but Zerpnderp is running out of morphine and I lost my medical license, Tchay is trying to jumpstart it's heart but the post office pulled the plug on that. Groose is making out with Twilight Wolf, Palmer and Mario are in intensive mancare, robm made the mistake of shaving which caused jleemero to run off with a flaxton of our medical supplies including our best Kickback wheelchair. Afro is in space but he is earth-bound now, and kylechu was trampled by Auxen.

It is a bad situation.

I'm still here, gebbin it one last try, though...

no?... I never get included in these things. :(
okay, I'll be serious just this once.

Honestly? You know whats going to bring MR back to its glory days?

Cool flax.

Yep, its that simple. We need more cool flax. Thats going to happen. Very soon. I've got some projects planned that will end the marathon of brickflax constipation. Plus wii can play with Shockslayers wii mini.
vskid3 said:
More members doesn't necessarily mean more people with experience. I would be willing to bet that a good number of people who "know what they're doing" have already seen portables on Engadget, Hackaday, and other tech/hacking news/blog sites.
This is a niche hobby. If the site branched out to more general modding, it might gain more popularity, or it'll just seem extra empty.
You're absolutely right. I've been here for over 3 years and the most I've done is give a Game Boy a flaxty paint job, haha. Whenever ModRetro is having a dead day, which is seemingly almost every day, I'll view the new posts just to see all Wii or N64 modding questions, but really no discussion or any new cool flax.