mini GameCube


Well-Known Member
I made a tiny GameCube that is basically a regular console but without the less-used features. I made it with some time on my hands using a spare case and spare parts:




It consists of a trimmed heatsink, a trimmed DOL-001 motherboard, original regulator, composite and S-video out, 4 player ports and memory card slots A and B, and a genuine Wiikey Fusion, all inside an SL-68 from polycase. It's all done by hand and not painted, thus it is pretty ugly in places.

I didn't think the Wiikey worked anymore since I trashed it years ago, but I was able to tidy it up and solder it directly, which I've never done before:


I totally messed up the area around the power button. I didn't have the right drill bit for that or the controller ports so I had to think of alternatives, and neither went very well. At least it works as intended. I'm considering selling it if anyone doesn't mind the ugly or the chance of hot glue bonds failing inside.
Sorry, I will not be selling this anymore.

bentomo said:
Wavebird support? Isn't the memory card slot going to block it?
...yeah. I have never owned a wavebird so that never occurred to me.
Functionally pointless, yet absolutely wonderful.
Your soldering on that wiikey fusion is incredible. It ain't pretty, but you should bring that to a melee tournament as a game setup, and watch peoples heads explode.
Peoples heads explode if you have LEDs in your controller. Not many modders overlap with competitive smash.

DuHasst0 said:
Most smash players would tell you that it needs the DD and that the wkf introduces lag.

Not sure if satire, but that is very incorrect.
Most play off modded wiis and gamecubes. Loading method doesn't affect gameplay. (see: "20xx training pack.) If anything, it decreases load time. However, the analog to digital conversion process in non analog TVs (such as LCDs) is VERY noticeable and intrusive to even novices. Its certainly something you can feel.

For the most part, the only thing they care about in a rig is:
1: Game is running natively and not emulated
2: Game is either unmodified or approved mod (pm, 20xx TE) copy
3: Analog video out runs on analog tv, digital runs on digital tv
4: No controller mods that create an advantage for the player
and most importantly
5: no johns
Re: Re: Re:

Dyxlesci said:
DuHasst0 said:
Most smash players would tell you that it needs the DD and that the wkf introduces lag.

Not sure if satire, but that is very incorrect.
Most play off modded wiis and gamecubes. Loading method doesn't affect gameplay. (see: "20xx training pack.) If anything, it decreases load time. However, the analog to digital conversion process in non analog TVs (such as LCDs) is VERY noticeable and intrusive to even novices. Its certainly something you can feel.

For the most part, the only thing they care about in a rig is:
1: Game is running natively and not emulated
2: Game is either unmodified or approved mod (pm, 20xx TE) copy
3: Analog video out runs on analog tv, digital runs on digital tv
4: No controller mods that create an advantage for the player
and most importantly
5: no johns

Don't care much for that last one.. But thanks for the info.
Being someone with the first name Jon, I'm usually the first one voted off the console when more than four people want to play... Simply because "No Jons".
legofan623 said:
Being someone with the first name Jon, I'm usually the first one voted off the console when more than four people want to play... Simply because "No Jons".

Thats kind of hilarious, but also kind of mean.
Dyxlesci said:
legofan623 said:
Being someone with the first name Jon, I'm usually the first one voted off the console when more than four people want to play... Simply because "No Jons".

Thats kind of hilarious, but also kind of mean.
It just takes one person to ruin the name "John" forever.

You know it really does, and that is horrible. Which ever John started that should be shot... In the face... With his family watching... Jk.