Michaelthurston's Rcube Gamecube Portable Done!


SS's Preferred Refreshment
Hey guys, its about time this got finished!
I know it isn't the prettiest thing ever, but It isn't completely done, I have a few more things to do, but its done as it will ever get right now! :D


Zn-45, and JB-55 Casing,
Mod-chipped DD
5000mAh Li-pos
Zenith 5" screen
Pure Awesome
and a little bit of Win :awesome:










In no particular order

Any questions just ask!

Also: vid:

- :awesomethursty:
I love it, it's amazing. It reminds me of my youth. Ah, those lemony days indeed. *clears throat*

[robm] Anyways, added to the Mega-sticky! [/robm]

you are a palmertech clone, I know it! (get that video up already, goddamnit!)
beautiful job!
I said it once and I'll say it again, it looks like a pyramid of awesome on stilts.
:awesome: I love how clean it looks in the front! And what is it that needs finishing? The back?

EDIT: Yeah saw the pictures again and it needs the DD cover.
TechScreen19 said:
:awesome: I love how clean it looks in the front! And what is it that needs finishing? The back?

EDIT: Yeah saw the pictures again and it needs the DD cover.

There is no DD cover, it isn't needed :rofl:

You'll see when you get it, the DD is perfect without it. :)

And thanks guys, Appreciate the comments.
It's kind of fugly, and kind of big, but not overly so. It's a gamecube, and modded too, and looks like fun. I'd say it's :awesome: right there.

But it has no disc cover. Everyone knows that's my pet peeve, so I'm demoting it to :D
Looks pretty comfy to hold. :D

The front looks nice, and that's all that really matters while you're having fun playing it.
Well it wouldn't have been without any of you, SS, Tchay, Palmer, Mako, Bo, Joey, Hail, Everyone helped me along in this, and for that I thank you guys.

I'm proud to be called a Portableizer :mrgreen:
if only the gamecube disk spun faster, then you could keep open..
somebody disses the back of your portable(the part they'll see), you slice off their arms.