Michaelthurston's Abstract 64 DONE


SS's Preferred Refreshment
Hey Folks, I know I didn't keep my thread to updated, but thats because I was hard at work finishing this puppy!

Here we go,


Rev-05 n64
Original Controls, +Dpad and L
7.4v 7400 mAh Li-Ions
Completely Un-Modded 5" Zenith Xbox Screen(That means no LED mod, Anti-glare, etc)
ZN-45 Enclosure.
Relocated Cartridge slot.

Presenting, The Abstract 64! (sorry, bad cam)

I'm so Proud! :D

I've yet to test the battery Life on this thing, but I will when I can.

So thats about it! Ask anything You'd Like!

Youtube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKxdRbkx12w (Turn your speakers down, bad mic)
That thing is so awesome. I saw it on the chat and it's still epic.

Thank goodness you're done !!!!

Now I can stop biting my fingernails off worrying if you are going to get finished and if you can afford food after all the screens and N64's. :dahroll: :rofl: :p

Looks great.

Show me more. :mrgreen:
I think it's awesome but tbh the screen ought to be able to fit inside, it IS a ZN-45 after all, and if you can't fit it in there there must be a better way to hold it on than electrical tape.

The tape is to cover the Holes until i Feel like bondoing it shut. The screen will stay either way. :p
Well guys, upon further inspection, when I went in the fix the buttons; The reason they were acting up is because the TI chip was irregular, Not Giving off proper 3.3v Hence the Acting up Controller.

When I tried to re-wire it, it blew.

Ordered a new one with overnight shipping.

I'll let ya know when its back up.
Wait, Michael - the Zenith screen - is the mobo the same size as the PSOne mobo? If so, I didn't think that it fit in the ZN-45 without the LED mod or bottom removal?