Making Omegle Users talk to Cleverbot!


Formerly SteamDNT
I whipped this up quickly yesterday. My python skills are improving


Compiled download:

I didn't sanitize cleverbots inputs, so sometimes it might mess up, throwing 404 errors, just start the program again.
The person in quotation marks is the Omegle user, the person outside quotation marks is either system or Cleverbot.
Can you make omegle users talk to other omegle users and then make it so you can interupt and change the convo? That would be much more amusing.
banditpaw1 said:
Can you make omegle users talk to other omegle users and then make it so you can interupt and change the convo? That would be much more amusing.
That's actually not a bad idea....
Off-topic, but, Banditpaw isn't the Scumbag Steve of ModRetro anymore!? :awesomejd:


EDIT: Said Facebook instead of ModRetro for some reason.
You should be able to change the conversation by interruption, but you wouldn't be able to change the backlog. Still, you could easily make it look like one stranger is saying something they're not.

EDIT: When I run it, it often randomly stops. Perhaps it doesn't loop properly or something?
Yeah, Sometimes it messes up, and the omegle server says "What the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* am I supposed to do with this flax?" and then it 404's, causing my code to crash.
Do you have a link to the cleverbot libraries? I know I saw your code, but it's referencing a library that doesn't seem to be native :p