Making a GC mulitplayer controller hub


Active Member
Hey all!

So after thinking about it, and deciding that I would be using this portable for my personal use much more than using it with friends, there would be no need to have all four controller ports inside of the case, and instead I want to make a controller hub that would connect via USB (hopefully) to the portable. I know this has been done before, though I can't seem to find it or info on how people have done it.

I think I may have it down, using bentomo's controller pinout notes viewtopic.php?f=36&t=7717


for reference^ from Bentomos guide

But my question is do I need to have a separate data line for each of the 4 controller ports?
Here's what I think I need right now:

Ground (bridged to pin 3 and 4)
5v rumble power (pin 1)
Secondary data line-3.3v (pin 6)
Main Data line-3.3v (one fore each controller port, so 4 total)

Unless i'm mistaken, this would mean I would need at least 7 wires total, meaning using a USB cable wouldn't work and I'd have to use something like a display port cable or something that gave me at least 7 wires back to the portable.

I'm hoping i'm wrong and I would only need the 4 wires to make this work as I have the USB parts to do it now.

Please help! :)
-5v for rumble *no needed if no rumble is required
-3.3v for power
-each individual data line *4 in twee total.

So with rumble, 7 in total.

USB would only work for 1 player without rumble *5v

USB 3.0 would work! Those have 8 pins.