Kindle Fire or CR-48 Chromebook?

They do totally different things. The Kindle Fire is supposedly for media viewing, which the CR48 doesn't do all that well. What do you want from it?
I'm already starting to think chromebook. There's not much I can do on a kindle besides watch movies, play games, etc. It would be a general reference thing (diagrams, etc.)
Get a Nook Tablet instead of the Fire. It's got the same screen and dual-core OMAP processor, but it has more memory (1 gig vs 512 MB) and a MicroSD slot (the Fire doesn't have one). Throw Cyanogenmod at it (they're developing both 2.3 and 4.0) and you'll essentially have a full Android tablet.

Don't even give the chromebook a second thought; it's just a laptop that does nothing but web apps. A tablet with a Bluetooth keyboard will do that, plus a lot more, for a bit less money.
I have a CR-48 with windows 8, and it works perfectly fine. Battery life is awesome too.
What the Heck is the point of a chromebook that isn't running chrome? You just end up with a poorly spec'd laptop.
Then why pay $400 for a netbook when you can get a much higher-spec used laptop for that price or cheaper?
I agree with bic on the nook thing. I was considering getting a kindle fire, than rooting it and running android, but after some research I discovered the leagues of better-ness the nook had over it.

For basic browsing, though, I use an HP mini with windows 7, 2 GB DDR3, and a 250 GB HDD. Got it new at an auction for $250, and it retails for $599. I would never consider it for retail price, but flax was cheap.
Mako321 said:

Chromebook over Fire, definitely. I've played around with the Fire, and it really didn't impress me. While I haven't used a chromebook myself, I've definitely heard good stuff about it.
But it's just a netbook with no Windows license but sold for the same price. :confused:
Mako321 said:

This was worth signing into "actual MR" to see (doesn't show up right in Tapatalk)

I got a Kindle Fire recently during a refurb sale, basically just to root & mess around with custom roms and the like, and actually ended up liking the stock Amazon overlay enough to keep it, for now. Admittedly, I am easily impressed with anything dual-core as the tablet I used before was a slooooooooooooow Archos 101. The Fire is, however, just a temporary stop until I can find either a decent priced Touchpad or Transformer Prime, or that Quad-Core ASUS 7" tablet actually sees the light of day (I'm not holding my breath).

Also I'm sure to tire quickly of No Bluetooth on the Fire, handcuffing emulator use since I can't use a controller. :cry:
bic said:
But it's just a netbook with no Windows license but sold for the same price. :confused:

Google gave out a ton of CR-48s for free at launch, and you can find them on eBay in perfect condition for $150 on a regular basis, sometimes as low as $120.

The new commercial Chromebooks are a bad deal, but the CR-48 is nice for the price.