Joey's Second GCp


Frequent Poster
With my 3D printer coming within the next week I feel as though I can finally open up this thread.

Been working on the case and learning the software a bit and this is what I've come up with so far. not sure if I'm going to be keeping the case like this or not, I may create a few other different designs and see how they work out as well.

I have more stuff done but I'll add it later
Scrapped the 3D printed case idea since I no longer have a 3d printer (my college does have one I'm aloud to mess with though) so I'll just be going with my XL softcase instead, no plan on internal batteries for the moment. Plan on having a battery pack that can attach to your waistband or something.


Wired my wasp tonight, not going to be able to test it until I get some voltage regs. The only thing I'm missing right now is the voltage regs and epoxy for the case. Besides that I have my trimmed board, Screen, wasp, memory card, and controller that still needs to be wired up. Should be able to post some more updates soon as I have a lot of free time.
Aye nice soldering! I always solder to the ffc cable cause I'm not confident enough to do it like that although that way does look nicer and smaller!

Also don't forget to change the region switch if your doing ntsc ;)
I remember watching people solder to the FFC cables back when we first discovered the Wiikey worked, tried doing it a few times and ended up with destroyed cables so I just took the time to carefully solder mine to my Wiikey. Remember being the first to hard wire straight to the board and I felt so cool, then others followed suit. Glad that we have other options available nowadays like the megadrive for those that aren't experienced enough for FFC soldering or soldering directly to the board. As for the reigon switch I'll get to that when the time comes (or forget and get upset because it's not working :p).

The one thing that's nice about soldering this now is that I have a soldering/reflow station nowadays so removing connectors and such is a lot easier and my soldering tips stay cleaner because I'm more careful to keep them nice.
The ffc method was more attractive to me cuz atleast I could try and swap out the wiikey if I accidentally broke it or just forgot the region switch lol. I think I will try soldering directly to it like you have on the portable I'm working on now cause the case is very thin and I don't even think I will have room for the blob of epoxy on the ffc cable!
Just be careful if you do. Not sure about WASPs but I remember Wiikey traces got torn up real easy. Destroyed at least 2-3 just trying to wire it up. Traces are smaller but they are also a tad bit more spaced out than if you were to wire it to the cable.