Joeys MiniCube - Near Completion

Joeys MiniCube - Case Near Finished

Just got around to ordering my fan today! Have to order another wiikey still. Will probably get around to that next paycheck.
Re: Joeys MiniCube - Case Near Finished


Fan/heatsink combo finished. whats left now? gotta order another wiikey, and test my motherboard to see if my cut worked. and that's about it!
Ordered my wiikey. it was the last thing I needed to finish this project! expect this to be completed in the next upcoming weeks.
Niceeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Waiting some finished GCp's for this holydays, Like you thecasperrojas, juankam and others,...

Good Job! :rofl:
ordered some 3DS sliders. not sure if I'm gonna use them in this or not. Besides that I've been a little lazy and haven't made anymore progress yet :p
bump from the dead, long story short I finished this in class about a year and a half ago. there was a decent amount of hot glue involved, along with unorganized wiring, lots of it, and while closing the portable for completion something shorted and everything went downhill from there.

I am now announcing the revival of Joey's Minicube! going to start ordering parts next paycheck along with everything I may need down the road, sadly all parts have been tossed away in boxes since I just recently moved and finding anything from the old portable will be a pain so I will most likely be ordering everything all over again (go me!) I do have a few old wiikeys that I may be able to revive, but I doubt I'll be able to unless I put some serious work and effort into it. expect updates within the next few weeks, hoping to have this thing closed up and finished within the next 1-2 months, after which I'm gonna play around with it for a bit then most likely put it up for sale!

bump from the dead v2.
I bought a 3d printer.
I'm about to print a bunch of cool stuff when it arrives, the case is still very early in development, still learning to use the software