Is The dingoo the smallest?

Re: Wanting to buy a modded GBA SP.

It would be incredibly difficult because or the ribbon cable. And making it smaller isnt really an option because of the screen and mobo size.
Re: Wanting to buy a modded GBA SP.

What if the ribbone cable was extended? And the smaller size was just asking if it was possible. I Bet SSOMEONE could make it slide up.
Re: Wanting to buy a modded GBA SP.

It's entirely plausible that it could be done; but slider mechanisms, especially durable, smooth, good feeling ones, are very difficult to do. The headphone thing I imagine would be no big deal.

It couldn't be made significantly smaller, and I have serious doubts that SS would be the best person to do this.

I would expect to be charged in the $200 - $400 range for this, but someone could surprise you.
Re: Wanting to buy a modded GBA SP.

hmph. Well I am thinking, If it'll cost me 200 bucks I''l just do it myself. Have some slideing things laying around...
Re: Wanting to buy a modded GBA SP.

I could do i as I know my way around he gameboys except for the micro. And the slider could be done as well, but it would actually be thicker then the original SP, which would be pointless in my opinion if all your getting is a slide.
Re: Wanting to buy a modded GBA SP.

Well, Pointless is my middle name. How much would you charge? I know I sound crazy but im lookin for it to be under $100. Is that underpriced? If so I think I'll do one of three things,
1. Make it myself.
2. Go finish my GCP instead of putting it off till "tomorrow".
3. Go buy a GBC.
I do believe it is the smallest one that can play games properly as opposed to a cheap chinese one that probably can't even play gbc.
When it comes to models, how much better is the A380 compared to the A320? I'm going on a trip soon so please answer fast.
When it comes to models, how much better is the A380 compared to the A320? I'm going on a trip soon so please answer fast.
I've used neither, but I would assume the newer model as I heard good things about it. If you're leaving soon then you probably won't get it in time depending on where you get it from.