Internal External controller-switch


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

To make an internal external controller switch, which lead should be connected to the switch.
Data line?

Thanks in advance
I would assume it can be done with a simple 3 way switch, attaching the bidirectional data line that goes to the console board in the middle lead, with the Bidirectional data lines connected to the internal and external controller ports each on, an outside lead. I may be wrong but I think that's all that's needed, as you can leave the 5v, and 3.3v (and ground of course) connected to both the internal and external controller without a problem. If I am wrong, will someone more knowledgable correct me, please?
'__|''''''|- to internal controller data line
|__|''''''|- to data controller port on board
'''''''|__|- to data line in external controller port

Ignore the apostrophes, I used them for spacing.
I used a simple spdt switch connect the middle to the console, then the controller data or power, I can't remember exactly, I think it is data though. anyway connect 1 controllers to an outside pin and another controllers to the other outside pin.
I was thinking the same thing but leaving it connected to a powerline would still make the internal controller board consume power no?
Bakuku said:
I was thinking the same thing but leaving it connected to a powerline would still make the internal controller board consume power no?

That is actually a really good point. I would love to see a someone else chime in if they have a solution
chairsgotoschool said:
Having both data's connected causes problems. Use a dpdt and just make it switch power and data If you really want

What about the 3.3v non data line? Should a dp3t switch used to accommodate for that?
chairsgotoschool said:
only use the dpdt if you are really concerned about power, you would put data and 3.3 on through the dpdt.
Just to make sure I have this right, the 5v line is always connected, and the 3.3v and 3.3v data line are in the dpdt?
only use the 5v if you want rumble, that is all it is there for. if you want to save power leave it out or put in a switch to turn it off. I don't know if having 2 controllers will make a huge difference in power consumption but I doubt having a switch on 3.3 and data will matter at all.