im stopping.

Re: Gocube

So what should I use for power? I kinda want something that dosnt need to be wired and will work with my LCD?
Re: Gocube

"doesn't need to be wired"? Do you mean that you want removable batteries? If so, you could use camcorder batteries.
Re: Gocube

No I mean like something that I don't have to.. Never mind. Could I take the cords that come out of the GC interact battery and put them on different better batteries so I don't have to connect the power supply some weird way? And if you don't know the wires are a male plug for where the power would normally go and the black male input thingy that goes into the red female thing that looks like a right sound female but it's to connect the battery to power the LCD. And also what batteries last about 2-3 hours but arnt big?
Re: Gocube

Oh. You don't want to solder. Uhh. Well. I suppose you could get a prebuilt pack and splice some wires. Are you okay with splicing wires? It should be simple enough. Simplest would probably be some R/C batteries. Though something like this would be ideal.
Re: Gocube

I'm sorry I'm a bit of a n00b could you explain? Can I use these batteries? If so that would be great being that is small and the same voltage and type ( As in it's DC) I can do soldering I was just looking to not but if using this battery means soldering, I'm up for it! Just need to know how to attatch the video cable and the special male GC power cord form the crappy baterry pack to this.
Re: Gocube

Well I know how to I just want to finish quick but I have no problem with doing it. So any help on the video output and special male GC power cord to my battery? And will that battey pack work with the screen and gamecube? And how long would it last?
Re: Gocube

thanks. and btw, what is the smallest GC controller? I need the SMALLEST controller out there for this one.
Re: Gocube

forgot to say I needed it wired. :awesome: sorry. And also can i get a link to the guide on how to wire an internal controller and beable to use the external ports as well? meaning 2 external ports (P1 and P2) and also have an internal controller.
Re: Gocube Worklog! Status: Diagram for you to gaze at!

To do it you just have to solder wires to controller port and have them share. Power data and ground.
Re: Gocube Worklog! Status: Diagram for you to gaze at!

Is there any guide that goes further into instructions?
Re: Gocube Worklog! Status: Diagram for you to gaze at!

sorry thought it was n64p but same conept. It simple I can make a diagram tomorow.
Re: Gocube Worklog! Status: Diagram for you to gaze at!

I just made a controller info post, check it out.
Re: Gocube Worklog! Status: Diagram for you to gaze at!

Gyroninja said:
To do it you just have to solder wires to controller port and have them share. Power data and ground.

The controllers will conflict with each other. You need a switch to change in-between internal and external controls.