I proudly present you: [The PiBoy]


This is my first real Hardware Mod and actually "portablization" (so far it does not have Batteries, but I plan to use one of these external Phonechargerboxes which would just work fine :D)
It is made of an old DMG Gameboy and a RaspberryPi running with RetroPie.
It took me not long to prepare the DMG case to hold the screen and the RPi, but it was a bit difficult. The best thing is, that I could reuse the joystick of the Gameboy motherboard, so all NES, GB and GBC games can be fully played, eventually Sega games too, because there are enough buttons :D Otherwise, you could just connect a USB joystick to the PiBoy or connect one to it's internal Bluetooth ;D
I tried to fit everything without changing the Cases apperance, without cutting too many holes in it.
HDMI does also work and you could just use it as you would normally if
do not intend to use it to play Games :D

Some pictures of my masterpiece:

Edit: As requested, here are the pics of it's inner life :D I forgot: All connectors were rewired, like Lan connector or USB connector, in order to use them ;)

Also I was just wondering, why is the screen cover made out of tape? Can you no longer use a regular one?
The old one was way too much scratched, otherwose I would have used the old one. I used the screen cover of my 2,4" screen which fitted after i applied pretty much hot glue to it :D
Afterwards, i covered the glue with tape in order to make it look "prettier" (without the tape it looked just horrible :D)
Yeah, i might consider it for the next time.
With this project, i just used parts laying at home, no extra purchases were made.